We are a community of Fellowship. In a society that separates and isolates, we are committed to each other’s lives. We strive to know each other well enough to “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep”
We are a community of Discipleship. We are each on a journey to become like Christ. Growing, learning and maturing in our Christianity is our goal.
We are a community of Worship. The Westminster confession states: “Man’s sole purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever”. It is our purpose to worship in song, words and actions. Every time we gather, we will declare the wonder and majesty of God.
We are a community of Witness. We have good news that must be told. The message of Jesus Christ needs to be communicated to our families, workplace, city and world.
Jesus Christ
Jesus made some pretty strong declarations about Himself. Learn how He describes Himself.